Police uses for CROOKHOOK®:
1.    High Speed Pursuits (It's not that the police can't catch up to the fleeing vehicle but that once they do catch up they now can do something about it and end the pursuit in a matter of seconds)

2.    Low Speed Pursuits (Being able to end these pursuits before they turn into High Speed Pursuits is clearly a powerful tool in Law Enforcement)

3.    Static Stops (Because 80% of all pursuits begin from a vehicle that has pulled over then decides to flee)

4.    Felony Stops (To keep that vehicle in place so it doesn't turn into a pursuit)

5.    Vehicle Checkpoints (Anyplace a vehicle may have an opportunity to flee from the police.)

6.    Specialized Police Units (Drug Enforcement, Vice, Gang, Warrants, Highway, Motor Carrier Safety Unit, DWI/OUI Enforcement, Radar/Speed Enforcement, Marked Patrol, Street Narcotics, S.W.A.T, etc.  CROOKHOOK® can and should be a part of any police unit tactical plan to keep a suspect vehicle in place or to quickly stop them if they do flee)

7.    Vehicle Retention (To keep a suspicious vehicle in place if an officer needs to get out and investigate around a home or place of business)
Federal Law Enforcement uses:
1.    U.S. Border Patrol (CROOKHOOK® can stop vehicles that are overloaded with people on or off road to prevent dangerous and deadly accidents)

2.    U.S. Military - Vehicle Extraction (CROOKHOOK® provides the ability to pull a stranded vehicle back into a safe zone)

3.    Any Federal Agency (Secret Service, DEA, ATF, CIA, FBI etc. Apprehension Teams tactical plan to prevent or to end quickly any attempt of a suspect to flee)
CROOKHOOK LLC | 413-750-8847 | |


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